The Star Wars Holiday Special (1978)


Adventure / Family / Musical / Sci-Fi

IMDb Rating 2/10

Plot summary

Chewbacca and Han Solo escape from two Imperial Star Destroyers. They are running late on the way to Chewie's home and family on Kashyyyk. His son Lumpy tries to entertain himself with a hologram and is frustrated when he is asked by his mom to do dishes. Chewbacca's wife Malla calls Luke Skywalker to see if he has heard from Chewie; he reassures her but is having trouble working on an engine with R2-D2.Darth Vader orders a systemwide search for the rebels. Malla contacts Saun Dann, a trader who is dealing with an Imperial trooper. Malla learns to cook bantha surprise from a viewscreen. Han and Chewie fend off TIE Fighters as they approach Kashyyyk, but an Imperial grounding of takeoffs or landings is announced. Saun Dann arrives at the Wookiee household with a mind evaporator for Itchy, Chewbacca's father. He experiences a holographic woman who sings for him. Princess Leia and C-3PO contact Malla to wish her a happy Life Day, but find out that Chewie and Han haven't made it yet. Leia speaks to Saun, who comforts her by revealing that he is in the Alliance. Imperial officers inspect the home and question the whereabouts of the absent Wookiee. Saun plays an officer a rock music hologram which they enjoy together. The Imperials look for evidence of any Rebel presence.To calm her son down, Malla puts on an animated story for Lumpy. It shows a recent adventure of his father and Han in pursuit of a mystical talisman. Luke and Leia see on a viewscreen that Han is hanging unconscious while Chewie appears to have taken him hostage. Luke flies to the planet surface with R2-D2 and C-3PO, and they encounter Boba Fett, who knows where Han's ship is. Luke is knocked out by a virus on the ship and R2 tells them to hang Luke upside down to keep blood flowing to his head. Fett leads Chewie into the city to get a remedy, but the droids find out that he is secretly hunting rebels for Darth Vader. Luke and Han are restored to consciousness, and C-3PO tells them about Boba's secret alliance just before he escapes.Lumpy is happier, but the Imperials tear the house apart and increase pressure on the family. Lumpy learns how to build a transmitter. The Imperials watch a broadcast of life on Tatooine. A cantina bartender has trouble getting her patrons to go home after the Empire announces a curfew. On Kashyyyk, the Imperial officers receive an order to return to base. One stormtrooper is left behind to wait for the missing male Wookiee. He goes upstairs to discover Lumpy has been sending the false signal, and gets angry. Chewbacca and Han get there just in time to save the child from the trooper. Han has to leave quickly so the Millennium Falcon isn't discovered.The Wookiee family raises candle lights to celebrate Life Day. They walk in red robes with other Wookiees to a center of light. R2-D2 and C-3PO are there to celebrate the holiday. Leia, Luke and Han arrive to express their dedication to Chewie, who remembers his past adventures with his friends. Back on Kashyyyk, the Wookiee family bows their heads before sharing a meal.