Blast of Silence (1961)


Crime / Drama / Thriller

IMDb Rating 7/10

Plot summary

Professional killer Frankie Bono (Allen Baron) returns after an apparent absence to New York during the Christmas season to assassinate some gangster Troiano (Peter Clume). Bono is a loner and intends to avoid any unnecessary human contact while planning the murder of his victim. Bono is recognized by an acquaintance Peter (Danny Mechan) from the orphanage he was raised in, and invites him to a Christmas party where he meets up with an old semi-girlfriend Lorrie (Molly McCarthy). His friend's happy marriage contrast's with Bono's solitary and haunted existence and Bono's hard exterior softens. Bono is emotionally conflicted with both his personal contacts and his professional duties and, but his choices have a heavy payback.