A Novel Romance (2015)


Comedy / Romance

IMDb Rating 6/10

Plot summary

The son of famous actors Helen Bradley and Devon Hillman who tragically died in a plane crash when he was nineteen and in college, New York based Liam Bradley has somewhat made his own name for himself behind the scenes as the published author of a highly successful romance novel written under the pen name Gabriel August. The "somewhat" part of that statement is that no one yet knows that he is indeed August, and he would keep it that way left to his own devices as writing the novel was more therapy from a breakup with the story being semi-autobiographical, however, one stipulation of his contract is that he is to announce publicly he being August as the imminent launch of the second in the series. He having a case of writer's block with the manuscript for the third being due (and a fourth another term of his contract), Jackie Billett, his agent - well known within literary circles - and a long time family friend, suggests he stay at the family's cabin outside of Portland, Oregon to write, it a place he has always found some grounding. En route to Portland, he makes a connection with the woman seated next to him on the plane. Knowing little besides her given name, he, once on the ground in Portland, is eventually able to track her down, she being Sophie Atkinson, a book reviewer for the struggling Portland Record newspaper, she a fan of his first book and as enthralled with the mystery behind Gabriel August as anyone else. As the two start to fall for each other, Sophie does whatever she can not only to fill in the gaps of Liam's selective volunteered information about himself but ensure that he is indeed a good guy, while Liam, for reasons of his own, tries to hide the fact of being August, he knowing that if there is any hope of a future for them he will have to tell her before the public announcement. It becomes harder and harder especially with her own story including a a very public and humiliating breakup with her pro football player last boyfriend making her not only wary of dating again but ever dating anyone famous, which is what Liam will be when he comes out as August.—Huggo