The Blind (2023)


Action / Drama

IMDb Rating 6/10

Plot summary

It's the story of the redemption of a man who was headed to hell but turned his life around. His wife, Ms. Kay stood by his side even when he didn't want her to. Through the Grace of a loving Savior, Jesus Christ, he turned his life around and created a dynasty while still holding true to his faith. Inspirational and moving. He played quarterback at Louisiana Tech University along with Terry Bradshaw and left to hunt ducks. His duck calls were hand made by him and his sons and sold basically door to door at various places of business by Phil himself.His original introduction to Jesus was done in a bar by a preacher who was sent there by his sister. She had stated that if they could convert him, he would bring thousands into the family of God, prophesying the ministry he would begin when he came home to God.It is a story to show how even the worst person, including people who have been sent to prison for unspeakable things can be turned into a son of God. Phil is a truly good man who just wants to share Jesus with everyone he comes in contact with.By sharing the embarrassment of his early years, he has shown his love for fellow man and mostly for his Father in Heaven. He has raised his family to love God. He and Ms. Kay welcome one and all into the fellowship at their church where he "preaches" from a table so he's not towering over the people as if in judgment. They welcome all colors, social levels including the homeless. Ms. Kay gives grocery gift cards away like candy. They continue to this day to give more than they receive.