Jurassic Shark (2012)
Action / Adventure / Comedy / Fantasy / Horror / Sci-Fi / Thriller

Jurassic Shark (2012)
Action / Adventure / Comedy / Fantasy / Horror / Sci-Fi / Thriller
Plot summary
At the headquarters of an oil drilling facility the chairman talks with Dr Lincoln Grant. He and Grant talk about their drilling and they discuss about a scientist who is worried about the safety of the project. At this moment the worried scientist takes him to the stairwell where they discuss the validity of the project. As they are talking an explosion destroys the building because they drilled too deep. The explosion is heard by Brittany and Tiffany, two girls relaxing at the beach. Despite Brittany being afraid of the water because of sharks, the girls go into the water where a shark attacks and kills them5 criminals - jack, Doug, Jerry, Jerry's brother Rich and Barb, the leader. These 5 have stolen a painting and are heading to Melver island. The Shark attacks their boat and kills Jack. After making their way to land, Barb forces Jerry to retrieve the painting in the water where the shark eats him. Meanwhile four college students - Jill, Tia, Kristen and Mike are going to expose the illegal drilling on Kat Island. The shark attacks their boat too and kills Mike. Jill and Tia, having washed up on the island, go look for Mike and Kristen. After finding Kristen the three of them find a camera and one of Mikes legs. Jill, Tia and Kristen then find Doug, Barb, and Rich. Barbs crew pose as tourists as they go to find help with Jill, Tia and Kristen. There they find Dr. Grant, But Barb reveals herself as a criminal and forces Dr Grant into the water, where the shark eats himTia and Kristen try to escape by knocking out rich but they are Captured and Kristen is eaten. After this they sleep in the wood and Jill tells Barb how to kill the shark, thinking Barb will let her free. However Barb betrays Jill and devises a plan to get the painting - Jill and Tia go and get the painting while Rich throws dynamite to keep the shark away. The plan backfires as Tia throws a rock at Rich, making the dynamite to explode, killing him, and the shark eats Doug and Barb, Tia kills the shark with dynamite and she and Jill leave.Another shark eats two fisherman