X-Men: The Last Stand (2006)


Action / Adventure / Fantasy / Sci-Fi / Thriller

IMDb Rating 6/10

Plot summary

After the uneasy alliance with Magneto in X2 (2003), the entire species of the powerful meta-humans find themselves before an agonising dilemma: with the aid of a revolutionary medical treatment, all mutants can now suppress their extraordinary gene, to live an ordinary life as humans. To further complicate matters--as the former X-Men member, Jean Grey, evolves into the dark and omnipotent Phoenix--Magneto amasses an invincible army of mutated supporters, against the backdrop of odious conflict within the mutant community. At first, the super-humans were fighting for acceptance, then, for survival. Now, all mutants must choose sides. Can Professor X, Storm, Wolverine, and a handful of loyal X-Men stop the formidable menace, Phoenix?—Nick Riganas