Malice (1993)


Action / Crime / Mystery / Thriller

IMDb Rating 6/10

Plot summary

In Massachusetts, there is a rapist attacking young women and Detective Dana is investigating the cases. The college professor Andy Safian and his former student and presently school teacher Tracy are happily married and are trying to have a baby. When the last victim of the rapist that studies at Andy's college is sent to the Saint Agnes Hospital, the surgeon Dr. Jed Hill saves her life. Andy recognizes Jed that had studied with him and they become close to each other. Soon Andy invites Jed to rent a room in his house to help him in the expenses despite Tracy's protest. When Tracy has a miscarriage, Jed takes the decision of removing her ovary with the support of Andy to save her life without waiting for the results from the laboratory. Soon he leans that Tracy's ovary was healthy and she decides to sue the hospital in US$ 20 million, using her friend, the lawyer Dennis Riley. Tracy leaves Andy and accuses Jed of God Complex. When another student of Andy's college is murdered by the rapist, Andy becomes a suspect and has to donate sperm to prove his innocence. When Detective Dana shows Andy the laboratory result that clears him, he finds that he is sterile. Now Andy decides to investigate his wife deeper and finds hidden secrets about her.—Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil