Iron Sky (2012)


Action / Adventure / Comedy / Sci-Fi

IMDb Rating 5/10

Plot summary

The film opens with an American manned landing mission returning, in 2018, to the Moon. The lander carries two astronauts; one of them a black male model, James Washington, specifically chosen to aid the President of the United States in her re-election (various "Black to the moon" word-play posters are seen in the film, extolling the new moon landing).Upon landing on the dark side of the Moon they encounter the Nazis who have hidden there since 1945. Washington is taken captive. Nazi scientist Doktor Richter investigates Washington and finds his smartphone. Although initially skeptical, he recognizes that the computing power outstrips their whole own technology. Moreover it serves perfectly as a control unit for space battleship Götterdämmerung. When he strives to demonstrate the completion of his Wunderwaffe to the current Führer, Wolfgang Kortzfleisch, the phone runs out of power. Nazi commander Klaus Adler, who is (for genetic reasons) chosen to mate with Earth specialist Renate Richter, Doktor Richter's daughter, offers to go to Earth to collect more phones. Adler takes a spacecraft to Earth, taking James with him, who has been bleached by Richter. Upon landing they find that Renate has stowed-away and traveled with them.Meanwhile on Earth, the President of the United States has to tackle political issues; she desperately needs a miracle to ensure her re-election. Adler kidnaps the President's aide, Vivian Wagner (played by Peta Sergeant) who introduces the Nazi couple to her. Wagner sees the resonance of Adler & Renate's message with the President's re-election campaign & puts them in charge of the campaign propaganda. Adler and Richter go on to revamp the President's campaign Nazi-style, with apparent success, while the clueless Richter is unaware of Adler's ambition to become the next Führer and rule the world. After three months, Kortzfleisch seems to have figured out Adler's plan. He sends his armada (though without the Götterdämmerung) to Earth orbit. He himself lands on Earth and confronts Adler, but is consequently killed by him. Wagner helps Adler kill Kortzfleisch and realizes that Adler & Renata were real space Nazi's. She has sex with Adler. But Adler simply takes her iPad & leaves as he just needs the iPad to power the Götterdämmerung.Adler declares himself the new Führer before he returns to orbit with Kortzfleisch's flying saucer. At the same time, Renate Richter comes across the now homeless Washington who makes her realize that terrestrial Nazis are not to her liking. Washington shows her all the books & movies about Nazi history which make her realize that what she had been shown on the moon was again just part of Nazi propaganda in their own self belief & superiority. Adler tries to kill Renata when she comes to see him, but Renata escapes with help from Washington.The United Nations assemble to discuss the extra-terrestrial Nazi threat. The President is excited to finally have a war which will likely get her re-elected, and appoints Vivian Wagner as commander of the spacecraft USS George W. Bush, which orbits the Earth carrying nuclear weapons. Wagner has been appointed the Chief of armed forces by the President & leads the war from aboard the USS George W Bush. As it turns out, most of the other nations have also developed armed spacecraft, and join in to defeat the invading Nazi armada.Back on Earth, Richter convinces Washington to come with her back to the Moon to stop Adler. They take Adler's flying saucer back to the Moon and to the Götterdämmerung, where Washington attempts to disable the engines while Renate goes looking for Adler. Meanwhile, the international space craft armada has destroyed the Swastika moon-base and is heading for the Götterdämmerung as well. In the final battle, Washington manages to disconnect the tablet device now controlling the Götterdämmerung while Richter takes out Adler. The spaceship crashes into the Moon, but not before Adler has taken out a considerable chunk of the Moon attempting to get a clear shot at the Earth.The U.S. President calls Wagner from the UN session, congratulating her on her victory. Wagner discloses she detected large tanks of Helium-3 on the Moon. This material would keep the United States independent of foreign power sources for a millennium. Consequently the U.S. president immediately lays claim to it. This enrages a white-haired UN member (cameo appearance by "Percy Stuart" Claus Wilcke) who throws his shoe at her. All UN members join the following "meeting hall battle". This leads to an international turmoil and eventually even the international spacecraft of the hitherto allied nations start attacking each other. Richter meets up with Washington (who regained his natural skin) in the damaged Swastika moon-base, where they embrace in front of Richter's flabbergasted former students. Richter states that "[they] have a lot of work cut out for [them]". The final moments of the film show the Earth, where missiles are causing nuclear explosions across the globe. At the very end of the credits, the planet Mars is revealed with a man-made satellite of undetermined origin in orbit.