Debbie Macomber's Dashing Through the Snow (2015)


Comedy / Family / Romance

IMDb Rating 6/10

Plot summary

It's just before Christmas. Ashley Harrison, who earns a living as a crafter currently in Sacramento but who sells her wares at craft fairs and markets around the country, is heading back to her small hometown outside of Seattle to be with her recently widowed mother, Sallie Harrison, for Christmas. She will be making the trip alone as she is still reeling from the break-up about one year ago of her last relationship, she not having dated since and who is still not ready to. However, something goes awry with her December 23rd Sacramento to Seattle plane reservation. Rather than deal with the airline bureaucracy, she reluctantly accepts the offer of someone else to share what is the last rental car at Sacramento Airport as he too needs to get to Seattle by tomorrow. He is house painter Dash Sutherland. They quickly find that they are like oil and water as they embark on their two day driving trip. And while Ashley is like an open book about her life to Dash, Dash offers little about himself to her in return. As they go on their trip, Ashley is unaware that the problem with her airline ticket was due to she being placed on the no fly list as FBI Agent Sam Munroe, who is the lead on her file, is certain she is a home grown radicalized terrorist. Novice Agent Phelps out of the Redding office is a last minute assignment to follow Ashley and Dash to watch her movements. Bumbling Phelps' actions, in addition to a lovestruck teenaged coffee shop employee named Travis, add to complications in Ashley and Dash's trip. Through it all, Ashley and Dash may discover that the other will change the nature of their Christmas holidays, Dash specifically with regard to the real reason he needs to go to Seattle.—Huggo